Schedule a FREE 20-minute Consultation to find out which of my healing therapies will serve you best!

What does your Soul tell you?
My Soul Guidance will not only inspire you to rediscover who you truly are and your highest calling — it will help you trust your instincts and clarify any questions you may have about your:
Sessions are conducted via Zoom video within the comfort of your own home or in person at my practice.
Duration 1.5 hrs. Price USD 199
Has your Soul been longing for more?
More meaning, more abundance, more connection?
More love, more joy, more purpose?
I’m offering an absolutely mindblowing and highly empowering Soul Guidance session during which I connect directly with your higher Self or Soul whom will be your loving support in reigniting your soul’s essence, full abundance and highest truth while answering any questions you may have pertaining to any area or issues in your life and by channeling its profound guidance and wisdom through me.
A Soul Guidance session is the ultimate gift of connecting directly with the truth of your soul! ️

I’m offering an absolutely mindblowing and highly empowering Soul Guidance session during which I connect directly with your higher Self or Soul whom will be your loving support in reigniting your soul’s essence, full abundance and highest truth while answering any questions you may have pertaining to any area or issues in your life and by channeling its profound guidance and wisdom through me.
A Soul Guidance session is the ultimate gift of connecting directly with the truth of your soul! ️
What does your Soul tell you?
My Soul Guidance will not only inspire you to rediscover who you truly are and your highest calling — it will help you trust your instincts and clarify any questions you may have about your:
Sessions are conducted via Zoom video within the comfort of your own home or in person at my practice.
Duration 1.5 hrs. Price USD 199

WHAT is my life purpose?
WHAT lessons am I here to learn?
WHO is my soul family or group?
WHY did I choose the body I have?
WHY did I choose my present family?
WHY do I experience certain challenges?
WHAT are my unique gifts?
WHY I am here?
If you've ever asked yourself these questions, you now have an amazing opportunity to explore the answers in a Life Between Lives Spiritual Regression session.
Life Between Lives Regression is a unique experience that allows you to explore the space between lives, before your current incarnation and access the planning stage of your present life.
While connected to your eternal self, you are able to learn about your soul growth and evolution including karmic patterns, while exploring the world between lives that is your true home. During the session you may be communicating with your Spirit Guide and Wise Beings or Council of Elders and receive loving support and profound guidance on how to live your fullest potential in your current life.
You may be introduced to your Soul Group and understand your soul contracts and how you are facilitating each other's journeys. You may learn why you chose a particular body or certain health challenges and receive healing and gain insight in your mission or higher calling and the lessons you set out to learn around your family, professional endeavours and love relationships that may have spanned several lifetimes.
In this heightened state of perception and understanding you are able to break free from any victim role, or sense of being "stuck" or lost and feel empowered and inspired to align with your life purpose and liberating truth.
Soulful Abundance Activation
You are so worthy of the most loving, financially secure, joyful, expansive and meaningful life. And it'd be my honour to help you embody your full potential and the magnificent source of abundance that you already are!

If you’re looking to discover your life’s purpose, to find emotional and physical healing, to release your fears and to create more meaningful and loving relationships, to cultivate a deep sense of happiness and peace, to empower yourself and receive answers about your future, then past life regression is for you!
I will guide you through a truly transformative session during which you will explore one or more past lives related to a theme in your current life. You will receive new insights and answers to questions you may have, allowing for energies and beliefs that no longer serve you to be released and profound healing to occur. My passion is to help you clear the blockages that stand in the way of manifesting the life you really want and to empower you to realise your full potential and true magnificence.
As an internationally based highly qualified Past Life Regression therapist, Life Between Lives Regression therapist, gifted Spiritual Channel, experienced Reiki Master Teacher and former wildlife conservationist, Esther studied and traveled all over the world and lived in remote places in Africa where she worked and affiliated closely with indigenous tribes such as the Maasai in Tanzania and the Himba in Namibia, a humbling experience instilling her with deep feelings of respect and admiration for people’s generosity, beauty, resilience and inner-radiance.
Esther is offering Past Life Regression therapy, Life between Lives Regression, Soul Guidance, Inner Child Healing, Soulful Abundance Activation sessions, Reiki Healing and Reiki Certification Courses level 1,2 & 3 dedicated to the awakening and empowering of one’s inherent ability to heal oneself while nurturing a high vibrational state of empowerment, freedom, abundance and happiness within.
Learn more about Past Life Regression, Life between Lives Regression, Soul Guidance, Inner Child Healing, Reiki and Soulful Abundance Activation and how it can transform your life!
My healing practice, Soul Radiance, is based on the stunningly beautiful island of Bali, in the holistic health hub of Ubud.
I offer Past Life Regression sessions (Pioneered by Dr. Brian Weiss, author of Many Lives, Many Masters) to clients worldwide. Online Past Life Regression sessions are conducted via Zoom video. If you’re wondering how a Past Life Regression works online, I can honestly say that it works the same as in person. As a highly intuitive therapist I tune into my clients equally no matter where they are in the world. Please contact me for more information about what the session entails including duration and pricing
I offer Life Between Lives Regression sessions. (Pioneered by Dr. Michael Newton, author of Journey of Souls)
I offer Reiki Healing & Channeling sessions and Reiki certification courses level 1,2 & 3.
I offer Soul Guidance sessions.
I offer Inner Child Healing sessions.
I offer Soulful Abundance Activation sessions.
Please contact me if you have any questions regarding my services.
Schedule a FREE 20-minute Consultation to find out which of my healing therapies will serve you best!

Past Life Regression
Past life regression is a profound and powerful therapy that allows people to heal emotional, spiritual and physical issues, to reconnect, become deeply empowered and transform their lives. Unpleasant experiences from our past that caused us overwhelming emotions like sadness and grief, emotional or physical trauma, relationship problems or anger can remain in our energetic system, blocking the natural flow of positivity and affecting our present life. Regression Therapy involves going back to the root cause of a problem.

Life Between Lives
A Between Lives Spiritual Regression, also called Live Between Lives (LBL™) based on the pioneering research of Michael Newton, author of the best-selling books Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls, is an advanced method of spiritual regression and provides access to your soul memories while in a very deep hypnotic state.

Reiki Healing & Channeling
Reiki is a powerful and beautiful energy balancing therapy, profoundly effective for stress reduction, deep relaxation, inner peace, emotional and physical healing and personal growth. Reiki boosts and strengthens the energy field, opens and balances the chakras and provides loving support and healing for anyone suffering from stress, aches and pains, injuries or any other dis-ease.

Soulful Abundance Activation
You are so worthy of the most loving, financially secure, joyful, expansive and meaningful life. And it'd be my honour to help you embody your full potential and the magnificent source of abundance that you already are!

Inner Child Healing
Our childlike innocence, wonder, carefreeness and creativity, as well as our unmet needs and suppressed childhood emotions such as unprocessed sadness, anger and pain from being rejected or ignored are all still very active in us.
By reconnecting to our wounded child, by reframing the old traumatic stories in the subconscious mind and by loving, understanding, embracing, hearing and unapologetically showing up for that little girl or boy, we restore the trust in ourselves and others, we can feel truly safe and loved within and experience more freedom, playfulness and joy.